Can Lack of Employee Recognition Program hurt an Organization?
The success and growth of an organization are closely linked to the level of motivation and commitment of its employees. Hence, organizations develop policies and implement strategies to enhance the overall satisfaction level of their workforce. From providing more flexible work schedules to improving workplace culture, and rewarding and recognizing employees, organizations implement a wide range of solutions to assure the employees of being cared for and valued. One of the questions that is often asked is ‘Can lack of employee recognition program hurt an organization’?
Impact of Rewards and Recognition on Employee Satisfaction
Among the various strategies used for improving employee engagement, employee rewards and recognition is deemed to be one of the most effective. In fact, timely rewards and recognition help in improving engagement, fostering better relationships between co-workers and even driving workforce productivity and efficiency. It fills the employees with a sense of belonging and purpose and also strengthens their commitment and loyalty towards the organization. A good rewards policy even impacts the workplace culture besides promoting better cooperation and coordination between members of the workforce.
It is clear that lack of employee recognition program can hurt an organization given that it is one of the key elements of motivating and engaging employees. Hence, organizations that haven’t set up such programs should necessary steps to address it and implement a robust employee recognition program in line with their business needs and expectations of their workforce.
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Can Lack of Employee Recognition Program hurt an Organization?
Originally published at on July 9, 2020.